The First African Metaverse Community by Africans

About Us

We are undoubtedly living in an extraordinary era. The onset of the 4th Industrial Revolution, coupled with the internet’s ability to transform our world into a global village, has set the stage for unprecedented advancements. Web3’s decentralized approach to creativity and collaboration, alongside the Metaverse’s immersive experiences, have made this age even more remarkable.

Our mission is clear: to proudly showcase the essence, history, and culture of Africa within the Metaverse while ensuring that these cutting-edge technologies reach the grassroots level.

Virtual is Real

Virtual is Real

Virtual is Real, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, stands at the forefront of the metaverse and VR gaming revolution. Our unwavering commitment is to revolutionize the way people interact and conduct business in the digital realm by pioneering profoundly interactive and immersive metaverse encounters.

At the heart of this transformation lies Africa Meta Club, an initiative by Virtual is Real, which encompasses virtual galleries, cutting-edge cultural wearables, and sensational virtual parties. We are actively shaping the future, seamlessly connecting the physical and virtual worlds through the formidable capabilities of VR, AR, and XR technologies.

african heritage

Virtual African Fashion Line

The emergence of the metaverse has sparked a vibrant and innovative fashion revolution. This digital realm has given rise to a unique fashion style that transcends geographical boundaries and we are not going to be left behind. We are using metaverse wearables to celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of the African continent.

The ‘African Heritage’ virtual fashion line serves as a testament to the limitless possibilities of combining culture, technology, and creativity in the digital age. This is just the beginning of our crazy ideas.

“The Metaverse is not just a virtual escape, but a gateway to a new reality where possibilities are limited only by our imagination.”

When we come together, great things happen!

Africa Metaverse AI Summit

Watch a recap of the The Africa Metaverse AI Summit, an annual event that happens physically in Nairobi and virtually in the Metaverse

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